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Friday 26 February 2021

MIT 2021 - Interpretation

The third stage of 'Design Thinking process' is 'interpretation'. 

From the last 2 phases 'discovery & empathy' we looked at how to analyze and dissect the problem.  Interpretation allows us to create opportunities for action in our plan.  

By using "How Might We ... turn our problem into an opportunity?" 

Interpretation transforms our challenges into meaningful insights. Finding meaning in our inspiration is how you create actionable opportunities for design. It includes storytelling, as well as sorting and condensing thoughts until finding a point of view and clear direction.

We were given our posters to update and present our tweaked challenge statement blu-tacked them on the wall.  

We were given time to read over each poster and provide 'HMW' post-it note for each one moonshot proposal.  

The feedback given by our MIT peers was valuable.  There were a few that I never thought of, but the rest I've had ideas about using it.  Wonderful session!

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