The second part of the 'Design thinking process' is 'empathy'.
During this part, I teamed up with my 5 WHYs companion, Rebecca.
From our discovery phase, we continued to use role-play to reenact a similar case scenario that caused our particular MIT projects.
It gave us an opportunity to share briefly about our learners and their struggles and was able to build a sense of empathy for our learners. and a deeper understanding of the range of different factors impacting our students and whanau we are seeking to address.
Role Play A: Context: a Year 5 student reading level 3. He is unable to decode the text, even when the teacher
Role Play B: Context: A math's lesson in class - a Year 7 & 8 students is trying his best to figure out what to do with a maths problem. He shows increasing frustration - he is not able to understand the problem or how to figure out an answer.
In Design Thinking, empathy is, as explained in IDEO’s Human-Centred Design Toolkit, a “deep understanding of the problems and realities of the people you are designing for”. It involves learning about the difficulties people face, as well as uncovering their latent needs and desires in order to explain their behaviours. To do so, we need to have an understanding of the people’s environment, as well as their roles in and interactions with their environment.
Here is my 'empathize' poster of the learner. My proposal challenge had changed from the initial start.
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