R-A-T- Effective Practice link
Today we had our Manaiakalani presenters Fiona & Matt share key elements of effective practice in the digital space for our learners. As the digital landscape is evolving, they've been able to identify key elements of effective practice:
Recognise Effective Practice: "Knowing what works, and how you know it works."Effective Practice: Grounded in Principles
- Builds on existing frameworks (NZC, MoE) and teacher experience.
- Confidence comes from aligning practice with frameworks and research (Manaiakalani).
- Research reinforces observations with data and student voice.
Recognising Effective Practice in the Classroom:
- Engaged Learners & Student Agency: Active participation, enthusiasm, on-task behaviour and Choice, ownership, goal setting, creation
- Meaningful Learning: Articulated understanding, critical thinking, deep learning.
- Purposeful Technology: Enhances learning, student competence, personalised learning.
- Facilitative Teaching: Guidance, feedback, inclusive environment.
- Purposeful Use: Technology enhances proven teaching, not just for its own sake.
- Resource Access: Teachers leverage online resources and collaboration to refine strategies.
- Critical Evaluation: Teachers use critical thinking to ensure digital tools are effective.
- Quality Focus: Amplify effective practices, not just any practice.
Amplification in the Classroom:
- Enhanced Learning: Interactive tools, video lessons, personalised feedback.
- Increase collaboration: Sharing and learning together online: working on projects, using google suite as well as commenting on each others Edublog, giving peer-review feedback.
- Student Creation: Digital portfolios, presentations, student-generated resources.
Key Idea: Technology amplifies good teaching through intentional, critical, and collaborative use.
Turbocharge Effective Practice: Transforming learning experiences through technology to enable learning previously not possible Turbocharging Learning (SAMR):
- Beyond Basics: It's not just replacing old tools with digital ones. It's changing how kids learn.
- Redesign Tasks: Make learning more engaging and meaningful.
- Transform Learning: Use tech to do things you couldn't do before.
- Digital storybooks with multimedia.
- Interactive research presentations.
- Global classroom collaborations & Podcast.
- Student-made educational games.
In short: Turbocharging means using technology to create powerful, new learning experiences. Transforming learning experiences through technology to enable learning previously not possible.
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