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Sunday, 2 March 2025

Term 1: Manaiakalani Learn Staff Meeting "R-A-T-Effective practice

R-A-T- Effective Practice link

Today we had our Manaiakalani presenters Fiona & Matt share key elements of effective practice in the digital space for our learners.  As the digital landscape is evolving, they've been able to identify key elements of effective practice:

Recognise Effective Practice: "Knowing what works, and how you know it works."

Effective Practice: Grounded in Principles

  • Builds on existing frameworks (NZC, MoE) and teacher experience.
  • Confidence comes from aligning practice with frameworks and research (Manaiakalani).
  • Research reinforces observations with data and student voice.

Recognising Effective Practice in the Classroom:

  • Engaged Learners & Student Agency: Active participation, enthusiasm, on-task behaviour and Choice, ownership, goal setting, creation
  • Meaningful Learning: Articulated understanding, critical thinking, deep learning.
  • Purposeful Technology: Enhances learning, student competence, personalised learning.
  • Facilitative Teaching: Guidance, feedback, inclusive environment.
Core Idea: Effective practice is identified by observing student and teacher behaviours that align with established educational principles.

Amplify Effective Practice: Scaling and sharing effective teaching practices using technology. Connected Learners Share the value of giving and getting empowers us all 

Amplifying Effective Practice Using Technology Strategically:

  • Purposeful Use: Technology enhances proven teaching, not just for its own sake.
  • Resource Access: Teachers leverage online resources and collaboration to refine strategies.
  • Critical Evaluation: Teachers use critical thinking to ensure digital tools are effective.
  • Quality Focus: Amplify effective practices, not just any practice.

Amplification in the Classroom:

  • Enhanced Learning: Interactive tools, video lessons, personalised feedback.
  • Increase collaboration: Sharing and learning together online: working on projects, using google suite as well as commenting on each others Edublog, giving peer-review feedback.
  • Student Creation: Digital portfolios, presentations, student-generated resources.

Key Idea: Technology amplifies good teaching through intentional, critical, and collaborative use.

Turbocharge Effective Practice: Transforming learning experiences through technology to enable  learning previously not possible Turbocharging Learning (SAMR):

  • Beyond Basics: It's not just replacing old tools with digital ones. It's changing how kids learn.
  • Redesign Tasks: Make learning more engaging and meaningful.
  • Transform Learning: Use tech to do things you couldn't do before.

  • Digital storybooks with multimedia.
  • Interactive research presentations.

  • Global classroom collaborations & Podcast.
  • Student-made educational games.

In short: Turbocharging means using technology to create powerful, new learning experiences.  Transforming learning experiences through technology to enable learning previously not possible.

Some recommendations - how to use prompts when dealing with AI.

When using generative AI, it's generally suited for learners over the age of 13. However, it's essential to check individual site terms for appropriateness. Today, our staff used Adobe Firefly to create images from text prompts. For example, we created PES Remix 'The Alley' which visually represented [brief description of image]. 

My next step is to explore what do our learners know (which is still at starting point), how do they feel about using their chrome-books? What help do they need? What are their 2025 digital goals? What do they want to learn to  .. "create"? 

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